Traditional Iconography in a New World |
Welcome to my Studio. In the near future you will be able to visit the studio via the webcam and on certain days follow along with iconography classes. I do hope you visit again and tell your friends about it.
If you are part of a community where I am rendering icons visit the "Your Project" pages to follow along with the various icons stages and I look forward to seeing you in person very soon.
Until these studio pages are complete please browse some of my works below and feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. Thank You and God Bless. These images enlarge for detail views -see more below Icons of Christ Icons of the Theotokos Traditional Icons
Send Email to iconographer@tampabay.rr.comArtist's Biography I The Icon Studio I Icon Restoration I Church Renovations I Your Project "Preserving our Inheritance, Enriching our Future"