Iconographer Elias Damianakis, Archon Maestor Traditional Iconography in a New World |
Notable Awards and Nominations bestowed on Elias Damianakis
2003-06 Presidential Medal of Arts Nomination The Highest award bestowed by the President of the United States for excellence of achievement in the Arts
2003-06 National Heritage Fellowship Folk & Traditional Arts Nomination National Endowment of Arts recognition to fellows promoting excellence in the Folk Arts and Traditional Arts
2004-06 Thresholds Exhibition Florida Department of State, Kentucky, N. Carolina, S. Carolina & Tennessee Arts Commissions
2003 Public National Radio Program "Folk Artist Masters of America"
2003 Disney�s 28th "Festival of the Masters" Exhibition Nominee
2001-2002 Florida Individual Artist Fellowship
2002 Guggenheim Fellow Nominee
2000 The Prestigious Archangel Michael Honor The highest honor bestowed by the Metropolis of Atlanta. Presented by Metropolitan Alexios
1988 Recipient of the Archdiocese Medal of Saint Paul
1984 Recipient of the New York State �Award of Excellence� in the Fine Arts Web-site Awards
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